Practice Safe Motorcycle Lane Positioning to Reduce the Risk of Accidents

April 28, 2021

Whether you just received your motorcycle license or have decades of riding experience, staying safe on the road should be your top priority.  Choosing the proper motorcycle lane position is one way to keep yourself safe while riding, but even the most careful rider can still be in an accident with another vehicle.

When this happens, contact Attorney Frank P. Marsalisi.  He will investigate your accident and work to hold the responsible party accountable.

What Lane Should I Use on a Motorcycle?

Some roads and streets do not offer lane choices.  Most rural and residential areas, and even some cities, only have one-lane roads.  Conversely, freeways, highways, and other major roads have at least two lanes for vehicles, but which is the safest lane for motorcyclists?

In most cases, the left lane should be a motorcyclists’ go-to.  You will not have to worry about merging traffic and only have to deal with vehicles on your right.  Driving in the far left lane can bring challenges, though, primarily when exiting.  Always give yourself ample time to merge when you need to exit the freeway.

How Should I Position My Motorcycle in a Lane?

Since motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles, you have more room inside the lane.  Cars and trucks do not have this luxury, and drivers need to be careful of drifting and causing a collision.  When riding in a lane, divide it into three portions: the left, center, and right.  Doing so gives you some options on where to ride, but it will always be best to stay to the side furthest from the nearest vehicle.

For example, you should ride to the left in the far-left lane.  Similarly, keep to the right when in the right lane.  If you are in a lane where there are vehicles on both sides of you, ride in the center.  Keeping yourself away from traffic will give you some cushion if you or another car begins to drift.

How to Safely Pass When Operating a Motorcycle?

Passing slower-moving vehicles is standard on highways and interstates, but always be careful.  Improper or unsafe passing techniques may lead to a collision.  Remember, motorcyclists are more likely to be in a vehicle’s blind spot.  Always make sure drivers can see you before merging and use proper turning signals.

Tips for Turning and Changing Direction on a Motorcycle

One of the most significant errors riders make is not giving enough time to turn.  Do not suddenly jerk over into another lane or off the street.  The steering on a motorcycle is more sensitive, and even the slightest movement can cause the rider to lose control.  Before you make your turn, make sure you are in the center of the lane.  It gives you a wider turning radius and allows for extra room.

Stay in the Same Lane

When you do not have to change lanes or exit the highway, it is good to stay put.  Maintain a consistent speed without going over the limit.  You should also remember that the speed limits posted are for optimal driving conditions on that road.  If it is raining, foggy, or there is road debris, reduce your speed.

Speak to a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

Whether you are on a street or an interstate, practicing safe lane positioning is crucial to reduce the risks of an accident.  However, accidents can still occur because drivers do not check their blind spots, fail to signal, or text behind the wheel.  When someone else’s negligence causes you to suffer, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your related losses.  Doing this on your own may be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with Florida’s personal injury laws.

Instead, contact Marsalisi Law.  As an experienced St. Petersburg motorcycle accident lawyer, Attorney Frank P. Marsalisi will launch a thorough investigation into the accident and the circumstances leading up to it.  As a proud member of the Tampa Bay Trial Lawyers Association, you can be confident that Attorney Frank P. Marsalisi will fight for you.  Call (727) 800-5052 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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Frank P. Marsalisi believes that every person injured in an accident deserves the full attention of a personal injury attorney. With tailored legal services fluent in both English and Spanish, you can feel comfortable discussing your claim in either language. Our team at Marsalisi Law has years of experience protecting St. Petersburg residents and will do everything in our power to provide you with the compensation you deserve.

Our team understands how stressful this time can be and will make the process smooth, so you can focus on your recovery. Schedule a free consultation by calling 727-800-5052 or filling out our contact form today.