St. Petersburg Bicycle Safety: Etiquette Tips for Cyclists and Motorists

January 15, 2019

Cyclists tend to be extra cautious due to the rising number of dangers on the road because even a single accident while cycling can result in serious and life-threatening injuries.  For this, cyclists should keep in mind some etiquette to keep themselves and the people around them safe.

Unfortunately, the number of bicycle accidents has risen over the last few years due to several reasons.  One of the main reasons is the increased number of bicycles on the road.  More and more people use bicycles for maintaining fitness, for commuting to and from work, for fuel cost savings, and some do it for environmental concerns or just leisure pleasure.

The increased number of bicycles on the
road has naturally meant an increase in the number of accidents
involving bicycles.  So, here are some etiquette
tips for cyclists
and motorists that can help make the road a safer
place for everyone.

What Are Safety Tips for Cyclists?

  • Bicycles, like any other vehicle, require maintenance on a regular basis. So, be sure to check your tires, brakes, etc. regularly to ensure proper functioning.
  • Be sure you have the right accessories for your ride purpose.  For example, a bell to alert pedestrians, mirrors, reflectors, helmet, and lighting for night riding.
  • Dress properly before you embark on your journey.  Always use light, reflective dress when cycling at night.
  • Watch for hazards like potholes, puddles, loose gravel, sand, and piles of leaves as these may result in you losing control of the bike.
  • Always try to ride in a straight line and avoid unpredictable movements such as zig-zagging.  Stay as far to the right as possible, but you must also remain visible to other drivers.
  • Many cyclists wrongly assume that red lights and other traffic signals do not apply to them.  Bicycles, like other vehicles, should abide the traffic rules which may differ from state to state.

What Are Safety Tips for Motorists?

In some cases, motorists are to blame for bicycle accidents because they
also fail to notice the cyclist.  So,
here are some tips they can use to avoid a collision with a bicycle rider:

  • As a motorist, you need to remember that bicycles are also vehicles under the law and you need to treat them as such.
  • Always reduce your speed when approaching a bicycle as fast speed driving can generate a wind force and throw off the balance of the cyclist.
  • Do not unnecessarily honk at a cyclist as this may frighten the cyclist and lead to a collision or injury.
  • Be extra cautious with cyclists if they are children or teenagers as they tend to be more carefree and ride unpredictably.

Getting Help From a St. Petersburg Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If you or your loved one is injured
while cycling and they sustain damages and/or injuries due to the fault of
another, get the help of a highly experienced St. Petersburg
Bicycle Accident Lawyer
.  Contact us at 727-800-5052 for a free legal
consultation.  Marsalisi Law is Where Law
Gets Personal.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Frank P. Marsalisi believes that every person injured in an accident deserves the full attention of a personal injury attorney. With tailored legal services fluent in both English and Spanish, you can feel comfortable discussing your claim in either language. Our team at Marsalisi Law has years of experience protecting St. Petersburg residents and will do everything in our power to provide you with the compensation you deserve.

Our team understands how stressful this time can be and will make the process smooth, so you can focus on your recovery. Schedule a free consultation by calling 727-800-5052 or filling out our contact form today.